A little about myself

Some people like to ramble too much about themselves. I am a very simple person who does this

NOT EXACTLY THOUGH !!! Unlike the Middle monkey in the picture.... HA-HA-HA

  • ("Venu is a synonym for God Vishnu as we know it...though I do not believe in GOD") but I thought I'd just speak openly and frankly about myself... *clears throat*

    Venugopalakrishna Kotipalli

  • Well hello there. My name is Venu as you smart folks may have guessed. I am proud to be a permanent resident of the State of Andhra Pradesh in India. Although I never could understand the redundancy in my name(Venu, gopal and krishna all represent God Vishnu), yet it was the name that my father liked the most.
  • In reality, I am a very kind, light hearted guy who would do anything to go to the extent in helping others. I would try my level best to remain the same till my last breath. Some thoughts in this regard that I have always cherished.